Thursday 5 September 2019

It's-a me, How Wei!

Hello, my name is How Wei, currently a student from Singapore Institute of Technology pursuing a BEng in Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services).

I had graduated with a Diploma in Environmental Management and Water Technology from Singapore Polytechnic. Its internship programme placed me in environmental baseline testing, where we monitored the critical changes in the environment surrounding various premises. The laws and code of practice regarding environmental baselines can be pretty harsh if the environmental parameters are found to be exceeding permitted levels. Even fresh and entirely new construction works can be halted/called-off if the environmental parameters were jialat from the start.

I also had some work experience related to the water supply aspect of facility management from working at PUB, where we had to ensure every building management maintains a clean and effective water supply system to their residents/offices. There's a whole array of things that can really go wrong even with the simplest of water system.

In fact, because of the fault-prone nature of water systems, I ended up learning some basic plumbing due to the amount of time spent beside professional plumbers (and sometimes doing it myself because of unpunctual contractors).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, How Wei, for this interesting and informative intro. I'm glad to read about your interest and experience in the environmental side of facilities management.
